Jan 14, 2019

Questions for 2019

“Don’t get high on your own Supply” - Following the suggestion by Scarface we modestly continue to ask questions about 2019 and stay away from trends. Like in the last years it’d be great to join in one or another discussion.

  1. As cities grow so will regulations, transport included. Will cars act autonomous in the context of major cities or directed by SmartCity guidance?
  2. Will quantification of uncertainty (Bayes) go along with quantification of data and indicate probability on the chance to get a desired outcome of machine learning? Will human estimates (priors) help to predict what machine will do?
  3. There’s no free lunch in social systems, just different ways to balance depth. As machine misses social, will capitalism establish a commercial system of tokens and cashflow to inspire interaction, services and maintain longevity?
  4. Beauty arises from the desire to touch. It’s human to value handcrafts and enjoy human hugs. Will the value of human labour excel in creating hand-finished products, will human touch continue to define the value of social services?
  5. Advice to recover machine seems to be on a level comparable to medical treatments in the middle age. On/Off, Reset and Updates. Will machine intelligence provide insights, communication and formula for humans and other machines to purposefully repair and recover?
  6. With Smart Phone growth in decline, will there be another iconified interaction instance or will a Ubiquitous Virtual World develop with different means to interact? A synchronised ambient surrounding parallel to and in the Real World? What will be the constraints for this Virtual Surrounding?
  7. Trying to escape from boring business apps, training intense systems for experts and incomprehensible regulations, will there be a new generation of storytelling, gamefied business apps, connecting information to visualised objects accompanying ones journey?
  8. Intelligence of machine can be paraphrased as seeking confirmation. Changing status from automated to manual and vice versa, verifying patterns, leaving responsibility with the client. How to limit confirmation overhead and foremost establish machine as taking on responsibility?
  9. Industrial production perfects off-line mode, programming and testing in the Virtual. Will application of sketches created in the Virtual enter the consumer space, means sketches and programs are directly executed in the Real, like guided manoeuvre of a drilling machine?